Website Terms of Use

Curiosity Mind, created the website, which offers its services under the following terms of use. The visitor or user of the pages of the website is urged to carefully read the following terms. Existing, as well as new services included on the website are subject to these terms of use.

1. The website tries to ensure that the information and data on the website are integrated. However, given the nature of the Internet, under any circumstances, including negligence, the website is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor or user.
2. The website tries to ensure that the website is secure but does not guarantee that the information cannot be subjected to harmful codes or components with destructive potential for the user or visitor’s device. It is the sole responsibility of each user to apply Antivirus protection and to secure their information and system.
3. The website does not hold any responsibility, regarding third party websites that are link-connected.
4. The visitor or user is obliged to comply with the rules of Europe International Law and stay away from any use that is illegal and contrary to good morals.

It is hereby agreed that in the event that any administrative or judicial action is brought against the Website, resulting from any form of violation by a user or visitor of the website, the user or visitor who committed the violation has the obligation to both intervene in the relevant proceedings and to compensate the Website, in case it is obliged to pay compensation or other expenses.

1. This contract of use is governed by the provisions of the Europe Law, the directives and Regulations of the Europe Law and the relevant international provisions and is interpreted based on the rules of good faith, transactional ethics and the economic and social purpose of the law.
2. If a provision is deemed contrary to the law and is therefore invalid or void, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any case affecting the validity of other terms.
3. No modification of the terms of this contract will be considered and will not be part of it, if it has not been formulated in writing and has not been incorporated in it.
4. The competent Courts for any disputes arising on this contract are the Courts of Europe.

The website is provided by the website Curiosity Mind and is available only to individuals over 16 years of age. If you do not qualify, you cannot use the website.

The website reserves the right to review and update these Terms of Use at any time. Your continued use of the Website following any changes to these Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of those changes. Every component of the Website can be modified, supplemented, deleted or updated without any notice, at the sole discretion of Curiosity Mind.

Το σύνολο του περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας συμπεριλαμβανομένων, χωρίς περιορισμό, κειμένων, ειδήσεων, γραφικών, λογότυπου, φωτογραφιών, διαγραμμάτων, εικόνων, υπηρεσιών και γενικά κάθε είδους αρχείων αποτελεί αντικείμενο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας και διέπεται από τις εθνικές, ευρωπαϊκές και διεθνείς διατάξεις περί Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας. Ως εκ τούτου, η αναπαραγωγή, αναδημοσίευση, αντιγραφή, αποθήκευση, πώληση, μετάδοση, διανομή, έκδοση, εκτέλεση, λήψη, μετάφραση και τροποποίηση κάθε μέρους της ιστοσελίδας απαγορεύεται ρητά και με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο χωρίς την προηγούμενη ρητή έγγραφη συναίνεση της Curiosity Mind. Τα εγγεγραμμένα σήματα και ονόματα που περιλαμβάνονται σε αυτήν την ιστοσελίδα είναι σήματα κατατεθέντα και προστατεύονται από τις προαναφερόμενες διατάξεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.

All content on the website including, without limitation, texts, news, graphics, photos, diagrams, images, services and generally any kind of files are under copyright and are governed by national, Europe and international copyright provisions. Therefore, the reproduction, republishing, copying, saving, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, download, translation and modification of any part of the website is strictly prohibited, without the prior written consent of Curiosity Mind. The registered trademarks and names on this website are registered trademarks and are protected by the prementioned copyright provisions.